Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ethan's Term2 Review

Term 2 of Y6 Ethan Reviews

This term has absolutely flown by,  I think you would agree, but that is because of the amazing things that we as a year group and as separate classes have achieved( such as some incredible writing , Hollis even managed into the Gold Book for it!). Just like last term we had a great time.

Dibba(north Oman)

I know everybody had a great time at Dibba and enjoyed everything there, well I know that I did! The food was great the activities were awesome, well everything was cool.  There were accidents but they were covered in a sheet of happiness.

Hatred and Hope

I absolutely adored our performance about world war 2. I loved ho everybody got to play their part really well. I especially liked the songs, though there was trouble with farewell Lester square! We all still had an incredible time.

Art Week

We were all choosing animals from cheaters to wild boar, but I had to go that extra mile, and study cows! This was great fun as there's a special song that comes to mind, called I am cow by The Arrogant Worms. This was hilarious fun.

The Conclusion

I think that this term wouldn't be the same without Mr. Watson and Miss Bates they have guided us through the twisty and turning road, but we've, as separate classes and a year group, hit the salt flats but we still have the dehydration to keep us moving.

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