Monday, April 4, 2011

Brittny's review of the term!

In year 6 we have done alot of fun exciting amazing things. Dibba was really wonderful because it will be the last time we will all get to see each other as a whole
year group before we go to different secondary schools. There are lots of amazing activities at Dibba my two favourite activities were Rock Climbing and Mountain Biking.
Another thing we have done is our Sports Day. There was lots of activities there and people from JC were helping us.
We have also done Swimming Galas and it took so long to get through to the relay races and the obstacle race (the obstacle race was my favourite)
But the Swimming Gala was fun because we were all cheering together.
 I cant wait until we are going to be doing 'Hatred and Hope' it will be so fun and it will be the best show ever (hopefully). I usually get really nervous and I don't usually like speaking in front of an audience but weirdly i am more confident in front of an audience then just my class. But i still cant wait until we do our production.
Last but not least I  liked doing our photo stories even though I didn't like showing them to the class but although i really like making it and i liked watching other peoples too.
Art week was fun too I liked painting  and drawing which is weird for me because I usually hate to  draw because I'm awful at drawing and handwriting but for some reason i loved art week.
Out of all of these things my favourite thing was going to Dibba and another thing that will soon
be one of my favourites is 'Hatred and Hope'.
Brittny 6LBa

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