Sunday, February 20, 2011

Georgie's Review of Oman Trip

I really enjoyed Oman absolute adventure.
Day 1: I was in the tiger group ( miss bates) and our first activity was rock-climbing. There were two rocks to climb one easier and one harder. The girls started on the easier rock and everyone got to the top. We all got to the top of the bigger one as well. I preferred absailing to rock climbing.

Day 2: Our activity in the morning was kayaking and I was in a kayak with Hannah and I thought we did quite well to keep up with all the boys. In the afternoon we did mountain biking. We started of with doing some jumps to warm up and then we played the game the circle of doom and I won twice out of the three times. We rode for ages and stoped at a park called Dam Park and we played on the swings.

Day 3: In the morning we did trekking up the mountain and saw lots of interesting things. In the afternoon all of year 6 did orienteering and did challenges.

Day 4: On the last day we did a Dow cruise and did snorkeling in the water.
In my tent I had Marie, Erin, Sophie and Katie.

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