Wednesday, November 10, 2010

EID MUBARAK - End of the first half term of year 6

Eid-ul-Adha is upon us! EID MUBARAK to all of Year 6, families and friends, and everyone else too!

Read more about Eid by clicking this link:

We have had an enjoyable and  busy (and a long 9 week) half term! We are all ready for our half term holiday and Eid celebrations.

This term so far we have enjoyed the whole school theme of INSIDE OUTSIDE and now are half way through IT'S A KIND OF MAGIC.

Already things like House Captain Presentations back in week 2 seem a long time ago. We have enjoyed great work on Autobiographies and Biographies, Art skills, presenation skills, TOUCHING THE VOID, Beach trip and poems. AVATAR inspired writing is our current brilliant theme.

A brilliant and busy 9 weeks - Well done \Year 6!
Have a great half-term holiday - Eid Mubarak!

Mr Watson

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