Sunday, May 22, 2011



You have all been working really hard over the last few weeks as we have been preparing for your SATs. Time now to just get them done!

Remember all you can do is try your very best! Your Best is OUTSTANDING!

Don't panic and try not to worry - just work through and SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW and WHAT YOU CAN DO!

Although I'm not going to be with you for SAT's week I will be thinking about you!!! I'm really proud of you. I'll be in touch.

Good luck and may the force be with you!!! ;-)
See you soon!
Mr Watson ;-)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lucy says

Dear Mr Watson & year 6
A year has now passed since I left and soon my year will be leaving Kings.
We are all well and enjoying life in the UK.
It's exam time in our house - Hannah has started her GCSEs and Matt his transition exams into senior school.
I am enjoying my new school, i have made lots of friends and doing lots of great things. I have exams next week and then my year are going to Cornwall to do lots of outdoor activities.
I am in the end of year production - Back to the 80s. I am singing a duet and dancing. Lots of fun!
I am still going to ballet and take my Grade 4 in July.
I still miss Kings and wish everyone Good Luck in their SATs.
Say Hello to everyone for me.
Love Lucy x

Monday, May 9, 2011


Kings’ Dubai Year 6 SATS Timetable 2011

Term 3  Week 5

Tuesday 24th May 2011
  • English :Writing task (short)
  • Maths paper A (non-calculator)
  • English:  Spelling

Wednesday 25th May 2011
  • English: Reading  paper
  • Maths paper B (calculator)

Thursday 26th May 2011
  • English: Writing task (longer)
  • Maths Mental paper

Term 3  Week 6

Wednesday 1st June 2011
  • Science paper a

Thursday 2nd June 2011
  • Science paper B

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Eden's science links

Marie shares...

cool math games :

Joe's big day out

Today we went on a kayaking trip in the mangroves in Abu Dhabi.It was really cool and there were lots I learned about this ecosystem.The mangroves are very importannt because they are where fish lay eggs and baby fishes learn to fend for themselves before going out into the ocean, the mangroves also protect the shore. it is sad that in Abu Dhabi the mangroves were dredged to make channels for boats which disturbed the water and wildlife. Our guide showed us some tunnels which were made by a pack of arabian red foxes who had been forced to move when the channels were dredged they went to another part of the mangrove, but the water level at high tide went into their tunnels and the guides didn't see them again - this is sad. The foxes had special webbed feet so they could swim - I did not know foxes could swim or even that they liked water.
The other cool thing were the roots of the mangrove trees they poke out of the muddy sand and this is how the tree breathes in oxygen because they cannot get it from the sticky mud which is full of saltwater. At low tide they get the oxygen they need, then the trees get rid of the salt through their leaves, the salt can be seen on the leaves when it dries in the sun. This reminded me of the science work we've been doing on filtration, and different states of matter and how water can be seen in different forms.
I got to hold and release a sea bream that a fisherman caught, and a swimmer crab which had very spiky nippers! I also tried stand up paddle boarding - it was awesome.
I want to do the trip again it was great fun but I hope that the dredging has now stopped so that more wildlife comes back.

Joe G

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

6JW's King of the week Term 3, week 2 is Francois ;-)

Francois Maureta
Thursday 5th  May 2011
Everyone in your class said lots of lovely things about you. They think that you:
are extremely funny     are a fantastic swimmer

are an awesome friend    are an excellent saxophone player

are a great and entertaining friend    are cheerful   are polite

are extremely enthusiastic   say funny things 

are good at P.E.   are an excellent rugby player  

are stupendous and ‘whacky’    you have a good smile 
have neat handwriting   you make everyone laugh 

always the same – consistently positive and polite

are nice to have around    are a superb writer  

are a great table partner    have a good sense of humour

We think:

The class wouldn’t be the same without you

There is never a dull moment when you are around

Our table wouldn’t be a dream team without you

Well done for being such a fantastic person!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Claudia shares....

Yesterday when I came home from school, a peahen (female peacock) flew into our garden (we already have a peacock) and these are a few pictures that I took this morning:
