After register, we went down to Chapel and my new Headteacher, Mr Murphy, talked about what was going to happen over the next few days and we were each given a prayer book. After that I had a science lesson where we learnt about acids and we put acid into test tubes, I had to wear a lab coat and goggles. It was really cool but a bit scary because we were playing with things that can burn through your skin. Next, I had English and we listened to a tape of Artemis Fowl and we had to write notes, then it was break where I played tag with some of the boys. It felt weird, not the same as Kings Dubai. After break, I had Music with Mr Redman and we learnt a song called Consider yourself at home from Oliver Twist, then it was reading, followed by lunch where I had Roast Turkey and lots of vegetables. Afterwards we had Art where my Art teacher, Mr Somerfield, set a quiz about portraits and I got 8 out of 10! The last lesson of the day was Maths and we did rounding up of decimals, which was quite easy.
I had a great first day and I saw Patrick a lot. Since I am taller than Patrick lots of people in his year kept on calling me Big Patrick or Big Brother and Patrick, Little Brother. It was kind of annoying. I hope everyone is enjoying school at Kings and I miss you all.
Bye from Harry HPlease Mr Watson will you put on the blog for me? Here is a picture of Rose and I on our first day. The blue bags are all our Sports kit!
1 comment:
HELLO this is henry mcdf. i left at the end of year 5 and I live in England now. Bye
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