We enjoyed the trip and learnt lots of new things about Islam ingeneral and the mosque itself.
There was lots of great questions asked and superb listening too. I was delighted with the behaviour of you all! Well done Y6!
We took lots of photos of the trip and then looked at the mosque and made some quick sketches of patterns and shapes, ready to use in class for our Art work.
Write a short and informatative review for the trip today as a comment to this post. Try to inlcude details of things you learnt. List at least 3 things!
I enjoyed going to the mosque and learning new things about the muslem faith. I learned that the men and women don't pray in the same part of the mosque, the men's area to pray is larger than the women's area to pray. My favourite thing that I learned was that when you pray you all stand in a line sholder next to sholder like everyone is one person. Also I learned how to tie the head scarf properly. I had a wonderfull time at the mosque. I hope you did too.
Jacks homework
Today we went to jumerah mosque on a school trip. I loved learning about islamic faith and culture, espically learning why women wear black, The direction of mecca and how to arrange a mans headscarf. the overall trip was very cool and interesting and I advise everyone in dubai to go and check it out! Thanks (shokran) Mr W for oranising the trip and I would like to go again to draw some minarets!
Mosque Trip
Today’s mosque trip was awesome! We learnt all about the five pillars of Islam which were:
Prayer, in charity, in fasting, and in making a pilgrimage to Mecca
What the movements to pray are; which at one point of the prayer the nose and fore head touched the ground because Muslims believe that is the highest point they can get to Allah (God in Arabic).In the mosque the whole floor was covered in carpet which had lines across it for people to stand on but they all have to be shoulder to shoulder with whoever’s next to them. The women had to go in a different room to all the men. In a mosque you can fit 1200 people.
Tom 6JW
Harry H's comment
I thought that the mosque trip was very interesting and I learned a lot of things about the mosque and Islam.I learned that you have to go to Mecca once in your life if you're a muslim,and I learned about the 5 pillars of Islam. There were 2 ladies who told us all about the mosque and arabic cultures and one of them showed us how muslims pray. This is the second time I have been to this mosque but last time I was only 7, so I learnt a lot more today.
I found the trip to Jumeirah Mosque very interesting.I learnt a lot of facts,here are three things I learnt:
1.The five pillars of islam are Shahada,Salah,Zakat,Sawm, and Hajj.
2. Muslims do wudu before entering a mosque.
3. Muslims prey five times a day.
I really enjoyed the trip and I wish I could go again.
today was a very itresting day.
i have lernt so many things aswell.
lots were brand new to me.
my favourite thing was looking around the mousque ,lerning about
the five pilers of islam and i loved skeching the patterns on the mosque.but all in all i had a great time at he mousque!
The Mosque Trip
I adored the trip and learned so much-the guides were suburb(my favorite was Catherin's mum)!
I liked how they got us (year 6)really evolved with everything and told everything easily so we could understand properly. I was struggling with the art work because I could not find anything slightly challenging to draw furthermore I loved the exploring we did.
I thank the teachers for arranging it thoroughly!
Over all I enjoyed the whole thing.
Ethan P
i really enjoyed the mosque trip today!! i liked the part when she told us about the five pillars of islam, and the part when she told us how to pray and also the bit about mecca because i thought it was really interesting!
Allways before you enter any Mosque you have to be absolutely clean. If it is a huge mosque men and women are in different rooms. Usually the mens prayer room is bigger because women would be at home looking after the children. When Muslims are praying there shoulders have to be touching because then everyone can become one.Every year all Muslims around the world come to Saudi Arabia to walk around Hajj 7 times. (Hajj is a huge black cuboid.)Muslims pray five times a day and before sunrise they add an extra line that say praying is a lot better than sleep!
i really engoyed todays mosque trip . i loved the arcutectur and the beautyfull colers and desings . today i lernd : the names of the five pilors of islam shahada salah zakat sawm hajj . that the quram(muslim bibal)was created by alah (god) and broat to earth by mhamad.and last but not least everyone in the mosque preys as one exsept for men and women who pray seperatly.thanks for giving me (and hopefully everyone els) a great expirience at the mosque today.
Today we went to the Jumeirah mosque. It was really interesting because I learnt facts that I never knew before.
I learnt that Muslims prayed 5 times a day and they do the same movements each time they pray. I also learnt that if I saw a man or woman being silent and with their eyes closed standing in a park or a public place with their wallet or handbag in front of them, it means that they are praying; either because they couldn’t make it to the mosque or because they have children to look after; though it is more likely for a woman to do so. I leant about the five pillars of Islam, although I cannot remember them all.
I really enjoyed walking around the mosque and inside it watching all the amazing patterns and letters of Arabic calligraphies.
Today was really fun and filled of Islamic culture. I really enjoyed today.
When I also know that Jumeirah means: to shine; Iman (the person that says the prayers) means: leader and that Islam means: peace.
This I learnt at the mosque today:
1) The 5 pillars of Islam are:
Praying, Hajj, Fasting, Shahada and Charity.
2) Th Islamic version of the bible is called Quaran.
3) Muslims must pray 3 times per day.
Katie S
Today y6 went to the Jumeirah Mosque.When we got there we had to take off our shoes and socks because the mosque is a very clean place,and our shoes would have dirt on them.Outside the mosque was a place were you can wash your head,arms and legs so you would be clean we you went into the mosque.
we learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam.Their names and what they mean 1.Shahadah means declaration of faith,2.Salah means praying 5 times a day,3.Zakah means giving 2.5% of total annual wealth to charity,4.Sawn means fasting during Ramadan and Hajj means pilgimage to makkah.
I really enjoyed the mosque trip! It was fun but imformative and the speakers made it sound interesting. I learned a lot! I learned the 5 pillars of islam: Shahadah-belief in Allah and the prophets,Salat-praying [5 times a day],Zakat-charity,Sawm-fasting during Ramadan,Hajj-pillgramage to Mecca.Also I learned that they do have a choice of how to cover up and finally that if someone dies or gets sick but they had all intentions to go to Mecca,they can ask someone else to do it for them!I had a really great time and hope I can have another chance to have that same type of trip again!
Todays mosque trip was really enjoyable especially because I'm new to Dubai. In such a small space of time it was really quite amazing how much new stuff and things you could learn in the mosque. Let's start with the woodoo where all the men and women, even though seperate, wash and clean their bodies before going in to the beautiful mosgue. The centre of the woodoo is surrounded by trees and it is a small hexagon with six sort of like cubicals with no walls, all facing inwards. Then, after the six volunteers picked by our tour guide Alam, who is also a mum at kings, had finished, we all went over to the entrance and took our shoes and socks off. In the mosques there are no pictures of people and animals because that may distract the worshipers in the mosque. The muslims also pray five times a day each one for the five pillars of Islam. The first is early in the morning, the second is at 9 or 10 o'clock, the therd is at noon, the forth is at the end of school, and finally the fifth is at the end of the day round about 7 or 8 o'clock. I really enjoyed today and really hope that I can go again and learn even more!!!
Todays mosque trip was really enjoyable especially because I'm new to Dubai. In such a small space of time it was really quite amazing how much new stuff and things you could learn in the mosque. Let's start with the woodoo where all the men and women, even though seperate, wash and clean their bodies before going in to the beautiful mosgue. The centre of the woodoo is surrounded by trees and it is a small hexagon with six sort of like cubicals with no walls, all facing inwards. Then, after the six volunteers picked by our tour guide Alam, who is also a mum at kings, had finished, we all went over to the entrance and took our shoes and socks off. In the mosques there are no pictures of people and animals because that may distract the worshipers in the mosque. The muslims also pray five times a day each one for the five pillars of Islam. The first is early in the morning, the second is at 9 or 10 o'clock, the therd is at noon, the forth is at the end of school, and finally the fifth is at the end of the day round about 7 or 8 o'clock. I really enjoyed today and really hope that I can go again and learn even more!!!
I enjoyed today's trip to the Mousque. I also learnt a few things I have never knew before!
Here are the things I learnt:
.The Womens section is smaller than the Mens section because men nearly always come to the Mosque.
.The Minbar (the thing that tells which direction the Khaba is) was used long time ago instead of microphones.
.And I have realised that every Mosque I have been to has patterns on the walls.
From the trip to the mosque I learnt that:
Ladies pray in a different room to men.
You have to use a thing called a wudo befor you enter the mosque.
In the mosque for praying you would stand sholder to sholder even if you don't know them.
These are only some of the things I leart!
Hannah backward
The trip to the mosque was amazing.The building itself was very detailed and it was beautiful inside.I have learnt a lot about Mecca which i am very proud of.But what interested me the most was how they prayed and what the movements meant.It was very refreshing when I washed myself like the Muslims would do before going the mosque, I loved it.This trip was one of my most favourites.
The mosque trip was my first time in a mosque. I learnt so many things muslims do and the design was spectacular!
I learnt:
That muslims do wudu-washing themselves (I did it and got soaked!).
That muslims prey five times a day.
The five pillars of islam-Shahada, prey, Hajj, charity and fasting.
That muslims take their shoes off before entering.
That Allah has 99 names.
That people prey shoulder to shoulder and there is a space between men and woman.
That so many people prey at the Jumeirah mosque on a friday morning!
This trip was fun and I've learnt a lot more than I had before!
Today I learnt so much at the mosque today,and the trip was so interesting.
I learnt that when muslims pray, they face mecca.
I learnt that they have to pray five times a day.
I learnt why muslims don't have any paintings of animals or people (it's because they don't want to be distracted whilst they pray).
the trip today turned out a whole lot more interesting than i thought it would be. even though i am muslim and knew alot of what we learnt there was also alot that i learnt than i didnt know before.
i learnt:
.halima mosque design colours
.who built the mosque
. why women sometimes cover their face
the trip today turned out a whole lot more interesting than i thought it would be. even though i am muslim and knew alot of what we learnt there was also alot that i learnt than i didnt know before.
i learnt:
.halima mosque design colours
.who built the mosque
. why women sometimes cover their face
I REALLY enjoyed the trip to jumeriah mosque it was really good.
The patterns in the mosque were oput of the ordinary and really pretty as well as on the outside.
The Ladies that showed us around were really nice and were funny.
Here are tthe things that I learnt
.All about Hajj and the Five Pillars of Islam.
.The clothing
.Last but not lest I think that overall I have learn't more about the Islamic religion. Also learn't to respect it better
next time I hear the mosque I will think about all these things.
Overall I think it was a great trip
I thought that the mosque trip was very cool.I learned a lot of things about the mosque and Islam.I learned that you have to go to Mecca once in your life if you're a muslim,and I learned about the 5 pillars of Islam. This is the 1st time I have been to any mosque and i learnt loads and loved it
1) i thought that the hajj (one of the pillars) was very interesting how they had to tavel to mecca to walk around the kaaba anti clockwise and how many people do it
2) the way they prey and how they place ther nose and forehead against the ground and how they are called to prey before the sun comes up lunch afternoon evening and when the sun goes down
3) the wudu was an odd experience for me as i was a vaulenteer and how they even need to clean the inside of the mouth but i didnt mind the water wasnt to cold and it was fresh not tap water
i really enjoyed our trip to jumeriah mosque i leant more about muslim religon and really enjoyed being inside the mosque and finding out what pray movements muslims make.
I learnt
.the five pillars of islam
.more about ramadan
.the number of time muslims pray per day
i throughly enjoyed the day the trip was a great experiance
I enjoyed the mosque so much i leart that
1 You have to wash yourself before entering the mosque.
2 That the female and male pray sepraly
3 And the five pilers of islam!!!!
I really enjoyed going to the mosque. I learnt alot more than i thought there was. I love how they design the inside and outside the inside was extremely colourful and pretty and they outside was not colourful but i loved akk the designs. here ar some things i learnt are:
1. The 5 pillars of islam are hajj, shahadda charity fasting and prey
2. females and males prey in seperate rooms and use seperate wudus
3. The mosque could fit around 1200 people in it.
4.You have to pray 5 times a day
5. I learnt how to put a shayla on
6. and when the prey they put there nose and forehead on the ground because they belive that its the closest they will get to allah (god in arabic)
I had a great day. thank you mr watson for arraging it i would love to go again
it was so fun to go in a mousque for the first time!
The mosque trip was really enjoyable. I learn loads and loads in such a small space of time. Francois and angus lucked really funny in the kandura.!!
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