Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Review of the year from Miss Bates

What can I say?! What a brilliant year! I can honestly say that I have absolutely loved teaching you this year! You are all so energetic, happy and have a real love of learning. Each one of you is different and you all bring your own individual characters to the year group to make it a very special place to be! We have very high expectations of Year 6, yet from the very first couple of weeks with the House Captain presentations, right up to SATs preparation this term, you have surpassed them all!

For me, Hatred and Hope is definitely one of the highlights as I loved how the year group performed together and supported each other. Straight away I knew it was going to be very special; I loved how every single one of you got up to audition… even those of you who don’t particularly like being in the spot light! Plus I was so proud of how you all acted every second you were on the stage – everyone really went for it! I will always think of you when I hear ‘War’! You really did us proud!

Dibba, of course, is another favourite memory. I always love camp and this year was no exception! I was very impressed with the way everyone had a go at each of the activities.  The talent show was, for once, brilliant and very entertaining with everyone joining in and cheering each other! I think the Dhow cruise will be etched on my memory for ever more; I’ve never seen so many children looking so noticeably green! It definitely was an adventure!

We have also just done our amazing production - Spirit of the Circus. I can honestly say you were all brilliant on the stage; you surpassed all my expectations and together you made it an incredibly memorable production. Well done!!!

To be honest, I could go on and on and on about each highlight of the year – as believe me, there are many! But really it is the overall attitude of you all that will stay with me. You are so enthusiastic in everything – even SATs!!!  Make sure you never lose this love of learning!

I know you will all go on to love secondary school and I hope that wherever you go in the future, you take a little bit of Kings’ with you. Remember us…we will certainly remember you! Enjoy your next adventure Year 6, and make sure you always have fun and love everything you do!

Before I go I also want to say a massive thank-you to Mr Watson. I have absolutely LOVED working with him for the past two years - they have definitely been the best two years of my teaching career. We have had so much fun and lots and lots of laughs! Mr Watson - you are a brilliant teacher and I will miss you so much next year!

Lots of love from Miss Bates

Rosie's first day at her new school

I have had an amazing day! First I was really nervous and didn't know anybody, but then
I met this girl who had come from Manchester and who was also completely new at this 
school too, and stayed around her for a bit. 
     We did quite alot of lessons, including science, English and music. Science was really
fun because we got to put diffrent liquids into test tubes and add different things to it. In
English, we played this game where we have to write a poem, describing a persons body,
eg: head as round as a football, then you had to make the person next to you draw it in the
exact same way! I bet I'll have a great time there and make great new friends, but I definately 
won't forget my old ones!

Lots of love from Rosie xx 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mr Watson's Review of the Year!

Mr Watson’s review of Year 6JW & 6LBa Sept 2010 – June 2011

Well I can’t believe it – another incredible year. I had such a special time in Year 6 last year and thought that it would be impossible to enjoy this as much. How wrong was I? I have had an amazing year with a truly terrific bunch of children.

We have done so many great themes and superb work, but for me the thing that makes this year group so very special is the people. Each of you have  contributed massively towards making this year group a very special one. Year 6, you are a brilliant! So much talent, so much enthusiasm and so much energy. A joy to work with!

It is a great privilege for me personally to be in this year group again – having taught some of you in Year1 too (2005-2006). How you have grown! An opportunity to work with Mrs. H and Miss Bates again was wonderful.

On a personal level I have shared the most amazing journey of my personal life with this incredible year group, as Debbie (Mrs. Watson) and I welcomed Layla and Jessica, our gorgeous little girls into the world – your interest warmth, support and kindness will never be forgotten. 

There have been so many enjoyable moments, but for me nothing surpasses the amazing team effort, enthusiasm and performance in our WW2 play ‘Hatred & Hope’. Miss Bates and I challenged both ourselves and you with this adventurous and moving play. What an amazing job you all did. I will always be very proud of that performance! Everyone worked hard and pushed themselves. I’ve never had so much wonderful feedback on a performance – you were all STARS!

You then all continued this with a superb effort and performance in the Spirit of The circus –y6 on stage for the majority of the 2 hour show. Lots to learn. A great Job!

I loved our Absolute Adventure in Oman, was blown away with your maturity and interest when we watched ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’. I adored your amazing animal art work and the superb photo stories projects you produced. You created amazing Diary entries writing for Touching the Void, and made me fall in love with the world of Pandora with your incredible descriptive writing. These are just some of the highlights that spring to mind, but there are so many!

I am delighted with academic progress you have all made this year and your SATS performances fully reflect your efforts and abilities. But it is your overall personalities that make me even more proud – each of them you have found and developed skills, talents and confidences. I am very proud of you all!

2 special people need a mention too. Mrs H – s star her general all round support is so appreciated. A true Freidn and great character to have around – supporting us all!  Like a good producer for films, you don’t notice how good things are because it just happens and seems right. The things that make the difference. That’s what Mrs H does.
Miss Bates too . I was so pleased to have the opportunity to work with her again this year - simply a pleasure to work with. Quite simply, The best partner teacher I’ve ever had.  Thanks for the support  energy, enthusiasm and laughs – I’ ve had  a blast!

It has been a great year and it will be an emotional end of term – for children, parents and staff alike. This is also my last year at Kings’ Dubai, after 7 wonderful years, so will be even more memorable for me as we all make the next step….the next chapter awaits! Sad but exciting times.

I am confident that each and every one of you will be a success at your  school of choice and beyond. Words can not fully say what I think about you brilliant young people. Keep in touch and GOOD LUCK!

Love and Best Wishes
Mr Jon Watson

Spirit of the Circus - Have your cake and eat it!

Joe's fabulous birthday cake!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Flying high lyrics!

 When the world seems pitched against you
And there’s no way you can win,
Gotta hold your head up proud and strong
To show that world where you belong
There’s a lifetime of success ahead
And it all begins with you
So keep your pride be strong inside
And here’s what you will do

You’ll be flying high above the circus ring
High above the clouds
Soaring with the sunrise
So keep that fire in your eyes
High above the troubles
That seemed to weigh you down
The magic of the big top
The laughter of a clown

When it’s too hard to keep going
And you feel like giving in
Gotta listen to the spirit sing
That spirit of the circus ring
So listen well and hear it
And your fire burns anew
You stand up to be counted
And fight for what is true.

You’ll be flying high above the circus ring
High above the clouds
Soaring with the sunrise
So keep that fire in your eyes
High above the troubles
That seemed to weigh you down
The magic of the big top
The laughter of a clown

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Georgie the Gymnast!

Over the weekened Natasha N, Naoise M, Jasmine N, Robert S and I all had our club gymnastics competition. At gymnastics girls do Beam, Bar, Vault ,Floor and the boys do High Bar, Paralell Bars, Pommel Horse, Floor, Vault. On all the aparatus you do a routine, and the jujdes mark you the highest mark you can get is a perfect ten. Most people get sevens, eights or nines. At the competition I got 3rd on vault (which is my favourite aparatis). We all had lots of fun and everyone did reay well!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6JW's King of the week Term 3, week 7 is Tom !!!!!

Tom Thornley
Thursday 26th May 2011
Everyone in your class said lots of lovely things about you. They think that you:

are amazing at art        are  a superb swimmer

are like Thomas the Tank Engine – always on track!

are an awesome cricket player      are polite

are enthusiastic at everything     are really funny

have a greats sense of humour     are a happy chappy  

try hard at everything you do        are a good team mate

are a great swim squad captain      are so positive

are always cheerful     are lively and fun to be with

have a great smile    have nice handwriting

are an excellent friend      are like the BFG!

Are a fantastic classmate       

Well done for being such a fantastic person!

Congratulations to Tom! A great member of 6JW!

6JW's King of the week Term 3, week 6 is Katie!!!!

Well done to Katie!!!!! - sorry it's a bit late to be on the blog!!!

We all said lots of super things about Katie:

Katie Shepherd
Thursday 26th May 2011
Everyone in your class said lots of lovely things about you. They think that you:

are a stupendous best friend    are perfect!  

 have a lovely smile       are fun to be around

have a good sense of humour    have pretty eye  

a really nice person to be with   are always positive  

are kind and caring    are supportive   are a great friend

are a beautiful and creative artist    have nice handwriting

have good presentation      are polite       good to work with

are always enthusiastic       are great at horse riding

are super at P.E.    have creative ideas   

are really reliable     are trustworthy      have funny ideas   

Well done for being such a fantastic person!

Show Must Go On! Lyrics

The Show Must Go On lyrics



We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Dancing the night away
Dancing the night away

He walks the tightrope
He flies trapeezy
He throws a sharp knife
Makes it look easy
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:

'Oh Danny Boy
Danny Boy
Danny Boy...'

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Dancing the night away
Dancing the night away

He makes the band march
He does a cartwheel
He lifts the strongman
Now that’s a big deal
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:

'Don't cry for me
Next door neighbour...'

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

Rory's review!

Year 6 has been amazing!!! My highlights had to be: 

* Dibba 
*Hatred and Hope 
*Touching The Void and Avatar 
*And The BEST of them all........ The Spirit of the Circus! (hopefully!) 

* Dibba: 

Dibba was awesome!!! What I liked most was we got to stay for 3 nights instead of 2!!! I loved the Rock-climbing and the dhow cruise because they were superb!!! 

*Hatred and Hope 

Hatred and Hope was great because it brought the 2 classes together. I got a small part but still loved every moment of the rehearsals and shows which turned out brilliant!!! I 

* Touching the Void and Avatar: 

I love the 2 movies and I am even more pleased with the work I produced from it as I used so may adjectives and verbs!!! I never have done a better piece of writing! 

And last but not least...... The Spirit of the Circus!!!!! 

Even though I've only had my lines for about 4 days I feel like I've had them for months. I think this show is going to the best ever and quite funny with Babs and The Human Cannonball, and of course me the Strongman( who isn't strong apparently) !!!!!! 

But it couldn't have been done without the help of the y6 team: Mr Watson, Miss Bates and Mrs. Hislop! Without their encouragement we would be nowhere!! Thank you y6 Team!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Gold medal Ella

A couple of weeks ago I went in a comptition and I won 4 gold medals and later on did another comp but got only a 3rd  medal.

Georgie - review of Y6

Year 6 has been stupendous. Dibba was one of my favourite highlights of this year because I had so much fun and I got to know everyone a lot more. Also we got to stay for 3 nights instead of 2 like last year. My favourite activity at Dibba was mountain biking because we got to do some really cool ramps and jumps. I also enjoyed performing 'Hatred and Hope' as it gave us a chance to show off our talents of acting and singing. The end performance was great well done everyone. I really enjoyed art week because everyone through themselves into their art work and as everyone worked so hard on their paintings they turned out wonderfully. I am looking forward to performing 'The Spirit of The Circuis' I know it will be fab because everyone will act, dance and sing just as we all did in 'Hatred and Hope'. I will miss Kings' when I leave but I am also looking forward to going to JESS and using art rooms and lots of other cool things that you do in secondary school.

Thank You to Mr Watson, Miss Bates and Mrs Hislop for making this year so special to me. :)

Hollis on Year6

This year has been PERFECT!!! Time has flown by like a bird on a summers eave. The thing I love about this year group is that we know we can work together in whatever the task is and we can always succeed! We are one big happy family and even though it is an end of a chapter, the memories of Kings' Dubai will stick with us even long after we leave.

One of my favorite subjects was world war 2! I really felt like I could really express myself in my favorite subject [history.] Not to mention are brilliant performance of Hatred and Hope! I also have felt like this is the year where I have improved a lot! I can honestly say at least five things,of every subject, that I improved! So a GIANT thank you to Ms Bates, Mr Watson and Mrs Hislop!

Plus, there are still more things to come, like are big performance of The Spirit Of The Circus! I am head over heals in excitement and I love my part as a clown! There is still much more to do! Also I have so many great friends and I just thank them and the whole of year 6 for letting me have a SPECTACULAR time at Kings'!

Just one more thing, thank you so much Ms Bates, Mr Watson and Mrs Hislop! You have always been there for me when I needed you and you have always been so encouraging! You have helped me in everything and have always pushed my further and further! So thank you! I have had the best time at Kings' and I will always have so many good memories of this school!

Reflections from Francois

To me, Year 6 was the best Primary School year and Academic year ever!! Of course, I have to say that the Dibba/Oman trip was the best class trip ever. It brought the two classes Year 6 classes together. I got to know lots of different people I didn't really pay much attention to in the begining of the year (espesially people from 6Lba).  I also think that so far the year has been awesome because of all the hard work everyone has been producing: PhotoStories, TESTS, Artworks and of course, (drum roll please) Hatred & Hope!!Everyone acted their acts perfectly. I think that this year's production (Hatred & Hope)
is going to stay inside my head for my whole lifetime. I think that this school year wouldn't have been so fun and awesome (and great) if Mr. Watson, Miss. Bates and Mrs. Hislop weren't here. Thank you so much for all your outstanding work and teaching.

Matty on Y6

Year 6 was great!
Everyone is so friendly and it's always a great place to be. My highlights of year 6 would have to be......

  • Dibba
  • Photostories
  • Hatred and hope
  • I'm sure spirit of the circus will be one!
  • animal artwork
  • music concert
  • touching the void
  • Avatar
  • and so much more....
  • football team

But Year 6 has mainly been fun thanks to all the people. The teachers have been encouraging, everyone is friendly and it is a brilliant atmosphere. My top three highlights of the year have been


because it was great fun being in tents with our friends and seeing each other all day. I especially enjoyed rock climbing because it was on a real mountain face, and I had never been any good at rock climbing and (slowly) I had completed completed both the walls. I also really enjoyed trekking, the talent show and mountain biking. I had a brilliant time!


Our football team was fantastic! It was great fun and I remember winning our first game 5-0 over DIA.We had solid Trev in goal, Me and Felix as brick wall defenders, unstoppable Harry and Max in midfield and hat - trick hero Mark Baxter upfront. It was a brilliant formation, a brilliant team and a great part of Year 6.


We may be rehearsing for spirit of the circus but I just KNOW it's gonna be great! Fingers crossed we do well!

Thanks so much for all the teachers and my friends! I am really proud of what I have achieved and I hope everyone else is!!!!!!



Joe says...

Hi Mr Watson
The highlights of this year have been   dibba/oman trip ,touching the void, avatar , hatred and hope and even though we have just started i am really enjoying spirit of the circus.
This year at kings dubai has been amazing it will leave me with lots of happy memorys of the fun ,amazing and enjoyable things i have done this year.However none of these things would have been able to happen without the help of Mr Watson , Miss Bates and Mrs Hislop.THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica's review of the year

This year has definitely been the best year I have ever had at kings’ and I have enjoyed lots of the activities that we have done this year i.e Dibba, Hatred and Hope, art week and the Netball Team.
I liked going to Dibba because I had lots of fun there although I didn’t really want to go but I’m glad that I went and enjoyed all of the fun. My favourite activity had to be rock climbing because I loved climbing up the ridged mountain face and even if I got a few scratches it was definitely worth it.
I really enjoyed Hatred and Hope not just the show but all of the hard work in rehearsals and i predict that everyone (Including me)  thought the show was incredible.
Another highlight that I really enjoyed was being part of the Netball Team especially as I got chosen to be GS (Goal shooter) and managed to score several goals in the tournament.
I have really enjoyed year six and I will never forget kings’. Good Luck to everyone in their new schools.

Jessica J

Ethan reflects on life at Kings' and Y6

My Y6 Review
I have absolutely adored kings since I joined 7 years ago, but there have been ups and downs (there always was/will) people have left for many reasons ,mostly because of jobs, but together as a group the remaining few have survived! Nevertheless people have taken their place and have made many friends.
And here we are today stronger than ever as brilliant Y6 peforming mirical shows to stunning art it’s all just stupendous (sorry Georgie)! But on a serious note we’ve come on soooooo much! But to make that happen I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Miss Bates, Mr. Watson and Mrs. Hislop for all motivational support they have given us over this epic journey.
Plus, on this epic journey we have done and achieved so many things that it would/have made our parents proud, this is why i have enjoyed year 6 so much!

Ella on Y6

This year has gone too quick! I need to take it all in.So far we've been to the beach, to Dibba, to the theatre, mosque, finished the SATS and its already coming up to summer. 

 My favorite part of the whole year was doing Hatred and Hope and so I am delighted to get the opportunity to do another performance with Year 4 and 5 as well as year 6.  Most of my year has been great because of the Year 6 teachers.  At the beginning of the year no-one knew me but now I have tons of friends. Thanks to my teacher Mr Watson, Mrs Hislop and Miss Bates for making it such a great year. 

I am a little bit excited to be moving to my next school but I will be sad to say goodbye to Kings.  But I will never forget my special Kings family.  I have not been there as long as most people but just like them I am as attached to the school.  My next school is DESC which will be exciting as I will be with my sister again and because I will be taking the bus to school.  I am looking forward to this new adventure but there are events like the production and Dibba trip which I will never forget.  I hope everyone keep in touch and that those leaving the country wont forget us.6JW have been the best class I ever had and I am sad that I will soon have to say goodbye. For now though, I'am just enjoy myself.

Brittny's review of the year

My review of year six.
I really enjoyed going to Dibba . My two favourite activities were Rock Climbing and Mountain Biking.
Because they were really adventurous and fun. It gave us a chance to be mixed around both classes.
I also enjoyed going to watch A Midsummer's Night Dream and Braniac at the theatre. I liked the Halloween
disco as well it was fun.
My highlights of the year is definitely Dibba because it was super fun and exciting
I can't describe how fun and exciting it was though just extremely fun and exciting.
I'm really looking forward to next year I can't wait to go and make new friends
and keep going through the year with some of the same friends and all of the different new clubs they will have
I really want to try one called Trampolining. I also can't wait to do lots of new subjects . I also want to try acting even though I'm not that good at it but maybe i can get over my fear of it.

Jazz reflects on Y6

Kings has been a magical experience!
It has been filled with laughter and happiness and never a dull moment.
But even though Kings has been truly amazing, Year 6 has definately been the year that made this experience so unique and incredible.
6JW and 6LBA have really united and grown together to be a superb team and it has been a privelage to be a part of it.
I have really enjoyed the auditions and shows we've had this year. They've been beautifully written and have been so fun to perform!
I am really excited about high school and can't wait to live the new adventure up ahead. But saying goodbye to Kings, will be a hard and upsetting feeling
because I love Kings.

Sara Says.....

I have enjoyed lots if things in year 6 and kings this year. I met lots of kind, caring and fun to be around with friends.

I mostly enjoyed Hatred and Hope and the writing pieces like the beach poem, Avatar and the world war 2 diary entrys. I am looking forward to the show, I'm sure everyone is going to perform brilliantly like they did in Hatred and Hope.

I also enjoyed playing eliminator in maths between Ms. Bates and Mr. Watsons maths groups. Both year 6 classes made friends between each other which makes year 6 more fun. (though i'm not saying it wasnt going to be fun.)

I'm really going to miss Kings when I go to secondary school , even though I just joined in year 5.


Felix's review of the year

What an awesome year!

I've really enjoyed my year at Kings'.  This was also my first year in Dubai. 
 Year 6 at Kings' has been fun and exciting at the same time as being educational.
I really really enjoyed Dibba, it was amazing!  The views and the scenery were superb.
The cabins were neither palacial nor run down, so you got a real feel for camping in the wild!
My favourite activity was mountain biking because I really enjoy being out on my bike
 and I hadn't been cycling for ages.  I conquered all the jumps and the hillside ledge
which was really fun!  I also enjoyed the Dhow cruise.  Everyone felt sick because the
 Dhow boat was rocking from side to side viciously.  The sea was really salty and
well done to Miss Bates for the huge and awesome dive off the second floor!!
I've also enjoyed being part of the Kings' Football team - although it didn't always go our way!
Throughout the Tournaments we were one of the best teams, but we were always
unlucky when it came to the semis or the finals.  We managed to get to the Semi-Finals lots of times
and even the Final once or twice but always lost out on penalties.  Then our luck changed in our last
tournament of the year which was at Raffles.  There were four teams all hoping for glory!
Kings' got off to a flying start winning all their games,  All too soon it was the last match and the
pressure was on!  Awesome game - I'm happy to say we won and Kings'  were the proud champions
of the Tournament Trophy!
I've really enjoyed this year and I will never forget it.  Miss Bates and Mr Watson - You've made homework more appealing and lightened up school with your amazing and faboulus teaching!
Thanks for a great year!!!

Olie's review of the year

This year has been fantastic! I have loved every thing about it but the only thing i was disapionted with was i did not go to dibba but everything else was FAB!!! . The highlights of the year was hatred & hope and (soon to be) Spirit of the Circus . My favourite theme was Avatar and WW2 by _FAR_ . I cant belive that im leaving kings ive been here from the start so for 7 !!! years and its hard to believe. CHEERS